Ecommerce Email Retargeting: Recovering Abandoned Carts

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Abandoned carts are a common challenge faced by ecommerce businesses. Customers often add items to their shopping carts but leave the website without completing the purchase. Fortunately, ecommerce email retargeting provides a powerful solution to recover these lost sales. In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of email retargeting and explore how it can effectively recover abandoned carts, boost conversions, and ultimately increase revenue for your online store.

Understanding Abandoned Carts

Before diving into the specifics of email retargeting, it’s important to understand why customers abandon their carts in the first place. There can be various reasons behind this behavior, such as unexpected shipping costs, complex checkout processes, or simply getting distracted. By understanding these reasons, you can tailor your retargeting strategies to address specific pain points and entice customers back to complete their purchase.

The Importance of Email Retargeting

Email retargeting has proven to be one of the most effective methods for recovering abandoned carts. It allows you to directly reach out to customers who have shown interest in your products, reminding them of their abandoned items and providing incentives to encourage them to return and complete their purchase. Compared to other retargeting methods like display ads or social media campaigns, email retargeting offers higher conversion rates and a more personalized approach.

Benefits of Email Retargeting

Email retargeting offers several key benefits that make it an essential strategy for ecommerce businesses:

Higher Conversion Rates

Studies have shown that retargeting emails have significantly higher conversion rates compared to other marketing channels. This is because these emails are specifically targeted towards customers who have already expressed interest in your products, making them more likely to convert.

Personalized Approach

Email retargeting allows you to personalize your messages based on the customer’s browsing history, preferences, and past purchases. By tailoring your emails to their specific needs and interests, you can create a stronger connection and increase the chances of conversion.

Cost-Effective Strategy

When compared to other marketing tactics, email retargeting is a cost-effective strategy. You are targeting customers who have already shown intent to purchase, which means you are investing your resources in a highly qualified audience.

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Increased Customer Lifetime Value

Retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. By successfully recovering abandoned carts through email retargeting, you not only boost immediate sales but also increase customer loyalty and the potential for repeat purchases in the future.

Segmenting Your Audience

Segmentation is a crucial step in email retargeting as it allows you to tailor your messages to different customer groups. By dividing your audience into segments based on various criteria, such as browsing behavior, purchase history, or demographics, you can create more personalized and relevant emails that resonate with each segment.

Types of Segmentation

There are several types of segmentation that you can implement for your email retargeting campaigns:

Browsing History

Segmenting customers based on their browsing history allows you to target those who have shown interest in specific products or categories. By sending tailored recommendations and offers related to their previous browsing activity, you can entice them to return and complete their purchase.

Purchase History

Segmenting based on purchase history allows you to target customers who have made previous purchases. You can send personalized emails suggesting complementary products, offering exclusive discounts, or inviting them to join loyalty programs. This helps build customer loyalty and encourages repeat purchases.


Demographic segmentation involves dividing your audience based on factors such as age, gender, location, or income. This allows you to create highly targeted emails that cater to the specific preferences and needs of different demographic groups.

Creating Compelling Subject Lines

The subject line of your retargeting emails is the first thing recipients see in their inbox. It plays a crucial role in capturing their attention and enticing them to open the email. To create compelling subject lines:

Use Personalization

Personalization is key to grabbing the recipient’s attention. Include their name or reference the specific items they left in their cart to make the email feel more personalized and relevant to their needs.

Create a Sense of Urgency

By creating a sense of urgency in your subject line, you can encourage customers to take immediate action. Use phrases like “Don’t Miss Out!” or “Limited Time Offer” to create a fear of missing out and prompt recipients to open the email.

Keep it Concise and Clear

Avoid long and complicated subject lines that may get cut off or confuse recipients. Keep it short, simple, and to the point, conveying the value or benefit they will gain from opening the email.

Personalizing Your Emails

Personalization goes beyond just using the recipient’s name in the subject line. It involves tailoring the content of your emails to match the customer’s preferences, browsing history, and purchase behavior. Here are some effective personalization techniques:

Product Recommendations

Based on the customer’s browsing or purchase history, offer personalized product recommendations that align with their interests. Highlight the benefits and features of these products to remind them of why they were interested in the first place.

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Dynamic Content

Use dynamic content blocks within your email to display different content based on the recipient’s preferences. For example, if a customer has shown interest in a particular category, showcase new arrivals or bestsellers from that category in the email.

Exclusive Offers

Make the recipient feel special by offering exclusive discounts, free shipping, or other incentives tailored to their specific needs or purchase history. This personal touch can significantly increase the chances of conversion.

Offering Incentives

Incentives can be highly effective in persuading customers to complete their purchase. By offering something of value, you create a stronger motivation for them to return to their abandoned carts. Here are some popular incentives you can consider:


Offering a discount on the items left in the cart is a common and effective incentive. This can be a percentage off the total purchase or a fixed amount discount. Experiment with different discount values to find the sweet spot that encourages conversion without compromising your profit margins.

Free Shipping

Unexpected shipping costs are a common reason for cart abandonment. By offering free shipping on the items left in the cart, you remove a significant barrier and make the purchase more appealing. Consider setting a minimum order value to ensure the offer is financially viable for your business.

Limited-Time Offers

Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time promotions or flash sales. This creates a fear of missing out and compels customers to act quickly. Clearly communicate the expiration date or time limit of the offer to create a sense of urgency.

Exclusive Access

Offering exclusive access to new products, pre-sales, or VIP events can make customers feel special and valued. This can be particularly effective for building customer loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases.

Utilizing Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails are a specific type of retargeting email designed to remind customers of the items they left behind and encourage them to complete their purchase. Here are some best practices for creating effective abandoned cart emails:

Personalize the Content

Include images and descriptions of the specific items the customer left in their cart. This serves as a visual reminder and reignites their interest in the products.

Highlight the Benefits

Remind the customer of the benefits and value they will gain from purchasing the items. Emphasize features, unique selling points, or customer testimonials to reinforce the value proposition.

Clear Call-to-Action

Include a prominent and clear call-to-action (CTA) button that takes the customer directly back to their cart. Make it easy for them to complete the purchase by eliminating unnecessary steps or distractions.

Customer Reviews or Testimonials

Include positive customer reviews or testimonials related to the products left in the cart. This helps build trust and social proof, reassuring the customer of the quality and satisfaction others have experienced.

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Timing is Crucial

Timing plays a crucial role in the success of your retargeting emails. Send the first email too soon, and it may seem pushy or desperate. Send it too late, and the customer may have lost interest or made the purchase elsewhere. Consider the following timing strategies:

First Email Reminder

Send the first retargeting email within 24 hours of cart abandonment. This ensures that the customer still has a fresh memory of the items and their intent to purchase.

Follow-up Emails

Follow up with a series of reminder emails over the next few days. Consider sending emails at strategic intervals, such as 48 hours, 72 hours, and 7 days after cart abandonment.

Final Reminder

Send a final reminder email as the last attempt to recover the abandoned cart. This email should convey a sense of urgency and may include a special offer or discount to entice the customer to take immediate action.

Monitoring and Analyzing Results

To ensure the effectiveness of your email retargeting campaign, it is essential to constantly monitor and analyze the results. This allows you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions. Here are key metrics to track:

Open Rates

Monitor the percentage of recipients who open your retargeting emails. A low open rate may indicate that your subject lines or sender name need improvement.

Click-Through Rates

Analyze how many recipients click on the call-to-action buttons within your emails. Low click-through rates may suggest that your content or design is not compelling enough to engage the audience.

Conversion Rates

The ultimate goal of email retargeting is to increase conversions. Measure the percentage of recipients who not only open and click on your emails but also complete the purchase. This metric will help you assess the success of your campaign in recovering abandoned carts.

A/B Testing

Experiment with different elements of your retargeting emails, such as subject lines, content, offers, or design. Conduct A/B testing to compare the performance of different variations and identify which ones yield the best results.

Customer Feedback

Pay attention to any feedback or responses you receive from customers who have engaged with your retargeting emails. This can provide valuable insights into what resonates with your audience and help you refine your strategies.


Email retargeting is a powerful strategy for recovering abandoned carts and boosting conversions in your ecommerce business. By segmenting your audience, personalizing your emails, offering incentives, and utilizing abandoned cart emails, you can effectively engage with customers who have shown interest in your products. Remember to analyze the results, make data-driven decisions, and continuously optimize your retargeting campaigns. Implement these strategies, and watch as your abandoned carts transform into successful conversions, driving growth and revenue for your online store.
